Past Events
- Wiffle Ball Tournament
- Awesome Dawson Hunt
- Critter Gitter
- Dawson's Dash
- Doing it for Dawson
- Shoes 'N' Brews
This indoor event began in 2011, played at the Sportstop at FAC for the 1st 2 years. It then moved to Coconino High School gyms before being located at Sinagua Middle School gyms. Usually about 20 teams compete for The “6” Cup. Teams are made up of travel baseball and softball teams, their parents, coaches, and little league and high school alumni. Past winners are teams made up of the varsity baseball teams from Flagstaff High School, Northland Prep Academy, and Coconino High School.
This event was started in 2009 while Dawson was sick. Dawson designed the t-shirt himself with the help of an ambulance EMT and an artist at Flag T. The race was designed around what Dawson was doing before being diagnosed with leukemia. He was training for his Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do, and a portion of the test was to run 2 miles within a specified time. Hence, the 2-mile run/walk is Dawson’s Dash. Fittingly, the Dash starts at the parking lot of Continental Little League Sports Complex, Dawson Field. The course works its way down a dirt road, through the neighborhood, by Dawson’s house, and ends at Dawson Field.
Your gift today can help a child in need.
This was a one time competition to raise awareness and funds for The Dawson Merrick Children’s Foundation.
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The Dawson Merrick Children's Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) organization. You can verify our 501(c)(3) status as a public charity on the IRS website, here.